Claudio A. Bonilla, Ph.D.
Academic Research
Recent Working Papers
Higher Order Stochastic Dominance and Agency (with H. Roche and M. Vergara)
Precautionary Saving under Different Types of Risks: The Income and Substitution Effect Revisited (with M. Vergara)
Old and New Results on Entrepreneurship and Risk (with R. Watt and M. Vergara)
Recent Publications
Precautionary Saving in Mean-Variance Models and Different Sources of Risks (with M. Vergara), forthcoming in
Economic Modelling
(working paper version)
The Effects of Ambiguity on Entrepreneurship (with P. Gutierrez), forthcoming in the
Journal of Economics and Management Strategy
(working paper version)
Risk Aversion, Downside Risk Aversion and the Transition to Entrepreneurship (with M. Vergara), forthcoming in
Theory and Decision
(working paper version)
Academic Vita
Academic Research
Professional Bio